This book was hilarious. I borrowed it from Suze and I'm so glad I did. It read really fast, and I feel like I appreciate Fey as an actress more now. I always thought that she was funny, but it was interesting to learn about her life and past. I also didn't realize that she regarded Alec Baldwin as a great actor, apparently I haven't been paying attention to him. Haha. Bossypants was a completely unplanned and unexpected read, but I loved it, and you would too.

As I continue on my quest to read all of Rand's books, (Here's my Fountainhead review) I read this book, which was considerably shorted than Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead. If you like Fahrenheit 451, The Giver, or 1984, you'll like this too. It's a dystopian novel much like the rest, and was relatively quick and easy to read. After reading Rand's two huge books, this was a breeze.

SGL from Too Much is Never Enough is hosting an Ellis G. Designs giveaway!
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