Shoreline of the Month: Frenchman's Bay, Hancock, MaineHi everyone! I'm Sarah from Clarinets and Cookies and I'm so excited to be featured on my amazing friend Sarah's blog. My favorite shoreline is Frenchman's Bay in Hancock, Maine.For the past two summers I have participated in the Pierre Monteux Festival for Conductors and Orchestra Musicians in Hancock, ME. For both of these summers I have been lucky enough to live right on the waters of Frenchman's Bay. Hancock is the cutest little town I have ever seen, and Frenchman's Bay the most beautiful.
View from my house summer 2011
The bay always has tons of boats docked.Now, it wouldn't be a perfect day in Maine without one thing: LOBSTER! Frenchman's Bay is the home of dozens of lobster fishermen and their traps. A perfect cooking inspiration for a foodie like myself.
Lobster inspired sugar cookies I made these cookies for every single orchestra event this past summer and they were a big hit!
My roommate SN getting fresh sea water to cook lobsters[/caption]Living right on the water is perfect for when it comes time to cook. According to all the local experts, the best way to cook them is in fresh sea water. And I have to admit, they were right. It was the best "lobstah" I've ever had!
My first experience cooking lobster with my friend and lobster cooking pro KT
SN and I with our home-cooked lobster dinners![/caption] Other highlights around Hancock include Bar Harbor, just a 30 minute drive. There you can visit the Atlantic Brewing Company for great beer and all you can eat BBQ, and go hiking in Acadia National Park.
SN, KT, HR and I at the Atlantic Brewing Co.[/caption] Maine has such a special place in my heart. I can't imagine spending my summers anywhere else after living in Hancock these past two years. If you ever make it up north, be sure to visit Frenchman's Bay!
Thanks so much Sarah for posting this month! If you're interested in sharing your shoreline, please let me know in the comments below or email me!

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