Phish wrapped up their summer tour in the Midwest with a song-based show at UIC Pavilion. After the first two nights at UIC, expectations were high. Unfortunately, for the jam chasers out there, this show just didn't deliver like the other two nights. However, as always with Phish, there are a few jams worth checking out again. There are six recordings available from this evening. I want to thank all of the tapers who got these recordings into our hands so quickly. I really appreciate it. Thanks fellas!
Source 1 (hereafter KM84 source)
Source: (2) Neumann km84i > Sound Devices 722 (24/96, 40 Hz rolloff @ 12 dB/oct.)
Location: DINish, OTS 3' LOC, ~ 12' high
Transfer: 722 HDD > Audiogate (+2 dB, fades, tracking, dither/re-sample to 16/44.1) > xACT (flac 8 w/ SBA & tags)
16 bit source
24 bit source
Source 2 (hereafter CA source)
Source: Church Audio CA-11> STC-9000> Sony PCM-M10 @ 24/48
Transfer: M10> PC> Audacity(fades, normalize, resample to 16/44.1)> CD Wave(track splits)> FLAC
16 bit source
Source 3 (hereafter Busman source)
Source: Busman BSC1-K31 > Naiant Littlebox > Edirol R-09HR (24-Bit/96kHz)
Location: DIN Configuration, OTS/DFC, 10' High
Transfer: SDHC Card > Audacity > .wav (16-Bit/44.1kHz) > CD Wave Editor > .flac (Level 8)
16 bit source
Source 4 (hereafter MK41 source)
Source:Schoeps MK41(dina)> Kcy >Sonosax SX-M2/LS2> R44(ocm)24/96
Location:OTS Stand 8ft
Transfer:SDHC>Audacity 16/44>Amadeus Pro>xACT
16 bit source
Source 5 (hereafter CCM4 source)
Source:Schoeps CCM4(din)Vms52ub>R44(ocm)24/96
Location:OTS Stand 8ft
Transfer:SDHC>Audacity 16/44>Amadeus Pro>xACT
16 bit source

Source 6 (hereafter KM140 source)
Source: Neumann skm140 > Sound Devices Mixpre > iRiver H120(16/44.1)
Location: OTS/DFC/DIN/13' High
Transfer: iRiver H120(16/44.1) > Audacity 1.3b(-0.8dB right channel/+1.0dB @80Hz) > CDWave(Tracking) > FLAC(16/44.1/Level 8)
16 bit source
Phish - 8/17/11 "Makisupa Policeman > Sleep > Buffalo Bill" from Phish on Vimeo.
The KM84 source, unlike the previous two nights, is not the best sounding source. The bass isn't nearly as prominent as in the earlier recordings. The mix is still quite nice though.
The CA source sounds particularly tinny and has very little low-end at all. The highs are nice, but the lack of low-end, especially compared to the Busman and KM140 source make me pass on this one.
The Busman source is the second best sounding recording of the evening. The bass is actually quite nice on this, which I find unusual for these mics. The taper did a great job capturing the evening, however the lows just aren't as distinct as on the KM140 source.
The MK41 source, like the CCM4 source, is quite clean, but has relatively low levels and the bass isn't as prominent as I like and doesn't kick the sub.
The CCM4 source, like the MK41, has low levels and the bass isn't very prominent. Further, for some reason, instead of First Tube, the second half of Let It Loose from the previous evening is on the torrent.
The KM140 source gets my nod for source of the evening. It is quite dynamic, the levels are great, and when Mike drops a bomb, you feel it.
Happy listening!
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