It seems that over the course of this year, students have doodled on the walls and have created an underwater seascape. It all started in the fall when the mirror shattered in the figure of a blue whale's ventral pleats and someone drew a whale body to accompany it. Lo and behold, Nemo somehow found his way to the midwest and joined it, along with a snail, a seahorse, and other ocean creatures.
Annually, the undergraduate student government inventories the practice rooms and notifies management of any repairs. Student government also cleans the practice rooms each winter before auditions, vacuuming, Mr. Clean erasing the walls, cleaning the windows and stairwells, and disinfecting the pianos.
I'd say for the most part, the drawings and quotes on the walls are harmless. They usually proclaim quotes from composers or famous musicians, or song lyrics. It's somewhat odd to have this many sketches in one room, but I did post a drawing of Simba on my Instagram. The student government goes around and cleans it up, per usual, but wouldn't it be nice if there was some kind of forum to post and draw, and my colleagues and I wouldn't have to go clean it up?
As much as I could complain about the artwork on practice room walls, I like it. I think it's a wonderful place to find inspiration if you're stuck inside for long periods of time. It shows that conservatory students have more going for them than just music, and apparently we're good at doodling too.
"Awww! Guys, you made me ink!"
Do you ever find inspiration in unlikely places?

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