I've officially read 36 books for 2012 and I've set my goal for 2013 at 37 books.
I'm linking up with Heather from Blonde...Undercover Blonde for Book Club!

I enjoyed this book, but I wasn't expecting anything like it. If the book weren't by Rowling, I probably wouldn't have read it. The book was about a small town and how they coped with a community leader's death. There are a lot of characters, and I had to stop reading multiple times just to catch up and make sure I knew exactly what was going on. It wasn't a difficult read, but I thought that as Rowling's "first adult novel," she felt obligated to include every possible adult theme. It was a little over the top for me.

I really enjoyed Colbert's first book, and I enjoyed this one as well. I can actually say that I read the entire book in his voice. It's full of humor and sarcasm, and it was filled with good laughs. If you like Colbert you'll love this.

What have you been reading lately?

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